To satisfy customers from all parts of our lovely country, we decided offer our services to those who live out of Prague. We started to cooperate with experienced partners. If a partner completes our process of certification, he will became our extended associate.

So, if you visit the our partners company, the original software of your car will be sent to us by security system and after analyses we will prepare an upgrade of the software electronic control unit, which will be sent back to our partner. He will upload this software into your car and test it. Sometimes a small software correction might be needed. After this, your car will be prepared completely. This action takes approximately as much time as time as the STANDARD version from our web catalogue.

And one more benefit for you: to celebrate an established cooperation with a new partner, we will set some interesting prices!


Borská 87
301 00, Plzeň, CZ
Po–Pá: 8:00–18:00